插畫家及品牌創辦人。創作風格多元,作品中呈現出黑白線條、童趣筆觸和幾何色塊數種不同的類型。不以單一風格拘束自己,這些自由的線條和獨特的配色像是直球般,自然不扭捏的投入你心中的好球帶。曾於2019年獲得荷蘭Indigo Awards插畫銀獎、數位設計銅獎,2020年於台北及高雄舉辦首次個展,並獲得高雄市文化局補助。


fisheeptung is a freelance illustrator and co-founder of akunbko. Her styles are diverse. She doesn’t restrain herself with a single style, and following the current mood. Just like her attitude towards life, the drawing lines and color blocks in her works are like fastball, it’s naturally into the strike zone. She has won the Silver Award in the Illustration Category and the Bronze Award in the Digital Design Category at the Indigo Awards 2019 in the Netherlands. She held her first solo exhibition in 2020 and receive a subsidy from the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Kaohsiung City Government.